Yoga Practitioner & Teacher, Anatomy Nerd,
Dirt-Worshipping Hiker, Dog & Cat Lady, Bibliophile & Author
About me
I offer integrative health education based on my personal yoga practice and study, which spans more than three decades.
Develop your yoga toolkit
I offer retreats and in-person workshops devoted to the physical, breathing, meditative, restorative and self-study practices of Hatha Yoga. Join my newsletter for updates about my in-person offerings.
Gain continuing education units
I offer online courses in addition to in-person workshops. My areas of expertise include anatomy, kinesiology and asana adaptation as well as self-management of various joint situations, scoliosis, chronic pain, stress and sleep problems.
Roll out your mat for Asana Lab
Want to take a deeper dive into how to comfortably move on the mat? My online class series, Asana Lab, offers 2-hour forays into frequently practiced poses and functional movement training.
Check out my first book!
Teach People, Not Poses is a guide to build a yoga practice from person up, rather than pose down. Infused with practical wisdom, the book is an invitation to move deeper into our practice with confidence.
“Mary’s warmth, creativity and humor are a joy. She seamlessly layers her exquisite understanding of the eight limbs of yoga into her classes. Like many who meet her, and study with her, I feel extraordinarily lucky to work with such a world-class teacher.”